6Q7 VT92A GE, NOS, perfect condition, one pair (2)
10,00 €
3 in stock
One pair (2) GE 6Q7 VT92A tubes. The tubes are abolutely new and in perfect working condition.
These tubes are unbranded except of an engraving on the socket rim that reads “6Q7 Canada”. But we do have the original bulk boxes that states “Canadian General Electric”. Just take a look at the pictures.
So, these are guaranteed to be made by GE.
Since these came in bulk to us, we do not have original boxes but will pack these with utmost care.
We will be happy to match pairs, quads or whatever quantity is necessary, as long as our stock allows for it.
These tubes have not seen daylight for more than 60 years.
These tubes are guaranteed to be new and unused from old military stock!